Celebrating Crystallography

"...why blood is red and grass is green, why diamond is hard and wax is soft, why glaciers flow and iron gets hard when you hammer it, how muscles contract, how sunlight makes plants grow and how living organisms have been able to evolve into ever more complex forms …"
Max Perutz
What's on?
Sat MAY 10, 12 noon - 1 PM
Lunchtime Lecture
Sat MAY 17, 10AM-4PM
I am unique!
Festival of Museums 16 - 18 May 2014
Sun MAY 18, 10AM - 5PM
Exhibition closes at 5PM on 18 May.
The United Nations have declared 2014 the International Year of Crystallography. Few people know how important this subject is, even though it has led to 29 Nobel Prizes.
‘Nobel Structures: Celebrating Crystallography’ aims to raise awareness about this fascinating field, allowing us to see how molecules fit together, from diamonds to DNA.
The exhibition will investigate the achievements of some of the most important scientists of the twentieth century and their work with X-rays. Their ground-breaking discoveries unravelled the structures of DNA, penicillin and insulin, to name but a few...
But crystallography goes beyond the boundaries of science, inspiring artists and designers. Come and explore its many facets and forms!